A lot of my clients use Contact Form 7 on their wordress site to painlessly create their contact forms. And a lot of my clients also have a CRM of some sort setup running behind the scenes. One of my most common requests is to integrate my clients website with their CRM – in most cases this means taking web leads and plugging them straight into the CRM.
Alex Hager wrote an awesome article a while back explaining this process exactly. I would suggest you read that article first as it will help you get a better understanding of how this process work.
I implemented Alex’s code on my clients site (of course I updated for my field names) and found that nothing came across. I also read the comments on Alex’s site and some people where getting the same issue.
I noticed that in Alex’s code he includes a small validation IF statement:
if (!empty($first_name) && !empty($last_name) && !empty($email) ) {
I removed this if statement because my form only captures one name (which we assume is the first name). Once I had removed this only 1 field mapped into Salesforce: a field which was set by default to a text value and not assigned dynamically by PHP!
So I could see that my code is ok going into Salesforce, it was capturing the variables that was wrong!
Contact Form 7 – posted_data changes from version 3.9
After some research I found that a contact form 7 method called “posted_data” no longer works for security reasons.
You can read about the security updates to CF7 here
To work around this you need setup a little workaround:
$submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();
$data = $submission->get_posted_data();
This then allows you to grab the values of your CF7 fields and store them as PHP variables. The method to do this is:
$phpVar = isset($data[‘fieldName’]) ? $data[‘fieldName’] : “”;
In this case fieldName is the unique identifier for the field which you set in Contact Form 7, usually something like: your-name or your-email and phpVar is just a variable name – you can call it whatever your want i.e. $name or $email.
Ready to Roll!
Using these updated techniques you can grab CF7 field values, store them as variables and pass them to a server for processing. In this case we use cURL to connect to Salesforce and POST the values into SF but this technique could be used for a whole bunch of services like Zoho and Mailchimp.
Can you please post a full example of code with these updates? I can’t seem to get it working. Form submits fine, but never reaches Salesforce. Using WP 4.3
No worries here is the full code:
//CF7 Hook
add_action( ‘wpcf7_before_send_mail’, ‘my_conversion’ );
function my_conversion( $cf7 )
/* Use WPCF7_Submission object’s get_posted_data() method to get it. */
// Gets current SUBMISSION instance
$submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();
// Get submission data
$data = $submission->get_posted_data();
//extract posted data
$firstName = isset($data[‘fName’]) ? $data[‘fName’] : “”;
$lastName = isset($data[‘lName’]) ? $data[‘lName’] : “”;
$email = isset($data[‘Email’]) ? $data[‘Email’] : “”;
$phone = isset($data[‘Phone’]) ? $data[‘Phone’] : “”;
$message = isset($data[‘Message’]) ? $data[‘Message’] : “”;
$suburb = isset($data[‘Suburb’]) ? $data[‘Suburb’] : “”;
//convert extracted data to POST request for SF
$post_items[] = ‘oid=00D900000010xmq’;
$post_items[] = ‘first_name=’ . $firstName;
$post_items[] = ‘last_name=’ . $lastName;
$post_items[] = ’email=’ . $email;
$post_items[] = ‘phone=’ . $phone;
$post_items[] = ‘description=’ . $message;
$post_items[] = ‘address=’ . $suburb;
$post_string = implode (‘&’, $post_items);
// Create a new cURL resource
$ch = curl_init();
if (curl_error($ch) != “”)
// error handling
$con_url = ‘https://www.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.WebToLead?encoding=UTF-8’;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $con_url);
// Set the method to POST
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
// Pass POST data
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_string);
curl_exec($ch); // Post to Salesforce
curl_close($ch); // close cURL resource
WP removes the indents but there is everything that you need, try that and let me know how you go.
thanks for the updated version of the code. I’ve tested it and it works for “Lead” objects but not for “Case” objects. I’ve changed the $con_url variable to https://www.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.WebToCase?encoding=UTF-8 but it doesn’t work (with or without the use of custom SalesForce fields).
Any reason as to why it wouldn’t work?
Managed to figure it out. In case anyone’s wondering, just use “orgid” instead of “oid” which is used for WebToLead integration.
Thanks Matija, I wonder if oid now needs to be updated to orgid across the board? Can you test using orgid instead of oid for leads? And I will update my code.